UA-30394480-1 Touched in the Grey Matter: Maquette

Thursday, August 16, 2012



Good news for geeks: I did an image search for maquette just now and discovered that just about all the returns were of sci fi/fantasy models. Hardly any buildings at all. I guess that would make sense, since architects use computer renderings now. (Although you'd think the sci fi/fantasy geeks would, too - I guess that's our irony for the day.)

Looking over all the maquettes that are for sale, I feel like I want to get in on this somehow. Obviously there's oodles of bucks to be made or there wouldn't be a maquette of every character from every sci fi movie ever made. All I have to do is get models made of items/people that are in public domain and put them on a pedestal that reads "Touched in the Grey Matter." All of a sudden a maquette (or perhaps a bobble head?) of Millard Fillmore is a souvenir of this blog and I get a few dollars to keep the phone connected. It's the American way! And laugh if you want to, but...

Other ideas for maquettes would be my mom - it may not look like my mom, but that's not the point - how would you even know? You get to have a maquette that has a base on which is printed "Touched in the Grey Matter: BrieDank's mom!" Won't that make for fun office conversation during down times, Monday mornings, and Friday afternoons? You bet it would!

When you get your maquette of a boniface you can explain to your friends that it's not just any boniface, it's the one that runs the Touched in the Grey Matter nightclub. And when you push the button on the base it'll says one of four things -

"Welcome to the Touched in the Grey Matter nightclub. The only cover charge here is that you must click on the ads! HA HA HA HA!"
"I learned everything I know about bonicafing at air hostess training school!" 
"Buy a bucket of beers and get a free Grossehonkinmuelleimerpuffmais!"  
"Our specials tonight are the tacos and the Resep Gimbal Mi."

Cool maquette and you get to relive some of your favorite TitGM memories! Life is good.

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