So how cool would it be to fly, right? I only fly as a passenger, though I did try to become an air hostess once. Unfortunately, I flew all the way over to India, learned Hindi, made it through the ten-month Frankfinn Air Hostess training program, and then discovered that my familial tremor pretty much made it impossible for me to do things like pass cups of coffee over someone's lap without sloshing on their Haggar's, as it were.
So all that time, money, and energy down the drain.
I shoulda known, though. I guess it takes a lot for me to learn something, cuz a year before going to India I had spent six years at Yale medical school, sitting through all those endless classes, writing those endless papers, learning those endless words! Then I go in for my first practice surgery. Picture it, I had learned everything I needed to know to be a top-notch surgeon. I was now under the bright light of the operating room, being watched by a hundred classmates, countless teachers, and the country's best surgeons. And it happened. No matter how I held the tweezers, even holding the tweezers with two hands like they showed us in the 'short cuts' class, I invariably made the stupid patient's nose light up red and a screeching noise was made. SO embarrassing!! I couldn't believe it - six years of medical schooling down the drain just cuz I couldn't successfully take out some moron's Bread Basket. Stupid Yale School of Medicine and their stupid tests.
And so here I am. A barely employed technical writer cum librarian tech cum blogger. But whacha gonna do. I just keep lighting the light, changing the sheets, writing the student-loan checks (oy!!), and loving He Who Must be Obeyed. What the heck. Not a bad life.
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