UA-30394480-1 Touched in the Grey Matter: 2012-09-16

Tuesday, September 18, 2012



Some of you may remember an aptly named VP that made many of us quail with his stupidity. Oi.

OK, I might as well get to the point. This is the last entry for this blog. I know, I know! You're all quailing in fear:

"Myne Gott, BrieDank, what are we do to?"

Unfortunately...or fortunately if you're me...I have a couple interviews coming up. Of course that doesn't mean I'll actually get the job, but some other priorities have changed as well and my time has had to shift to other things. I know, I know:

"Myne Gott, BrieDank, what are we do to?"

But my question to you is, why are you repeating yourselves? I'm just kidding.

Actually, that's another reason I'm quitting now: I feel like if I don't I'm going to start repeating MYself, and I'm thinking saying this stuff once was probably enough.

But, if there's one "take away" (as the corporadoes say) from this bog, this is how I want you to remember me. And we all know that's whatcher gonna miss the most...


Monday, September 17, 2012



You know what's mercurial? Trying to watch digital TV using rabbit ears. Forget watching Live with Kelly. Every morning sometime between 9.00 and 9.15 suddenly the ABC station (and all its syndicated digital off-shoots) goes pixelated and then black. I was just watching a Rita Hayworth/Douglas Fairbanks Jr flicker right now on Antenna TV and am going to miss the end. Will Doug and Rita get together in the end? Will the down-on-his-luck guy get the money he needs from the gangsters in the card game? What will happen to the drunken playwright? These are the questions that will be swarming in my head for days and keeping me awake at night! (And then I'll probably forget about it.)

When I was a kid Mercury was always my favorite god. Actually, he was about the only one I cared about. I think it was because he was younger and was always running with something to do. I think it was the running part that I liked. I was never a runner when I was younger, but the idea of going from here to there in minutes was always very appealing to me. Plus, he was was always around because of the FTD logo, so I just simply saw him more than the other gods. So, between running and just simply seeing him so often, I figure that's why I liked him so much.

Did you know that saying 'mercurial' is like doing sit-ups for your tongue? You don't have to say it out loud, but just mouth it twenty-five times. Feel the tongue wedging itself between the upper chops during the 'cur' while at the same time preparing itself for the 'ial' part? That's good exercise, says I. Keeps the tongue in shape! This could mean one of two things:

  1. Do this exercise everyday and you could end up with tongue like this. You could speak eloquently while barely moving a muscle - the tongue would flow and form sounds like none other and you could become a world-famous elocutioner.
  2. Or you could end up with a mouth full of - and not be able to speak well at all. 
Unfortunately this exercise has not been approved by...anyone...and results are completely unknown at this time. Good luck.