UA-30394480-1 Touched in the Grey Matter: Borborygmus

Monday, June 25, 2012



So...borburygmus is onomatopoeic. Buzz. Purr. Chickadee. Borborygnus. Wow. 

"Had a great day at the fair yesterday! Had a corn dog, fried cheese curds, French fries, mini-donuts, a fried Twinkie, did all the rides, and then stopped at White Castle on the way home!"

I guess that would do it.

It seems so unfair that as I age I can no longer eat like I used to be able to. I'm not talking about having to watch the calories more, I'm just talking sheer intake.

"Oh, I'm sorry, this cake was supposed to serve more than four?"

"Hey, you kids, stop eating all that food, staying
up all night, and not have to pay
for it the next day!"*
It's just not freaking fair. Why do the young 'uns get to eat anything they want and stay up all night and not pay for it the entirety of the following day? Makes me want to stand in the backyard and shake my fist even if the kids aren't out making noise! It really isn't fair. All the crap I've lived though, and what's my reward? I can't eat or stay up late like I used to be able to. Just don't seem fittin'.

On the other hand, I no longer feel the need to listen to Top 40.

Musta been a long, draining weekend or something. A word like that, and that's all I got. Weird.

*Or perhaps he's just saying "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!"

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