UA-30394480-1 Touched in the Grey Matter: Validate

Monday, May 7, 2012



Or as  I like to pronounce it: 
LIKE ME!!!!   

Thank goodness (once again) for the interwebs!! Now all I have to do is post an entry, go in the next day and breathe a sigh of relief as I look at the analytics and see that all three of my friends (and my mom) still like me enough to read this thing!! And I mean literally all around the world! Or at least in the northern hemisphere. On two continents. Damn, I wonder how I could get a reader from Antarctica? Could you imagine? My next cocktail party: "I have readers on three continents, including Antarctica!" Wow.

Actually, I have really really good news. I now have an occasional reader from Malaysia, which means that at least once a week I already have readers from three continents! Take THAT Facebook!!

But I am most thankful because getting my validation validated online means I no longer have to roam the dark streets and bars of desperationville looking for validation from strangers. I used to say, "Hey, a stranger is just a one-night stand I haven't met!" Now I can say, "Hey, a stranger is just a person who hasn't increased my stats!" And instead of saying "Hey, would you like to come over and get better acquainted?" I can say, "Hey, you have a smart phone! Let me show you my blog!" I used to think when someone said they didn't wanna come over to get better acquainted it was because - poor lambs - they thought I was out of their league. Now when they don't wanna see my blog on their smart phone it's because - poor lambs - they're illiterate and embarrassed about not being able to read it in front of me.

So I'd like to thank you all 1) for being literate and 2) for validating me by stopping here and spending a few minutes on my blog. So, it's true! For learning and exploring new ideas and keeping my ego healthy - reading truly is fundamental!! 

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