UA-30394480-1 Touched in the Grey Matter: Agog

Thursday, May 10, 2012



You know what I go agog over? Discovering new bands and singers. I discover someone and I get all out-of-control obsessive compulsive. The Lov'd One will get in the car and I'll have the CD player* going:

The Lov'd One: Whacha got on?
Me: Listening to some Sondre Lerche / Islands / Blondie**.
The Lov'd One: Ooooooooof course we are!

I can't help it! Music is just so great! I think part of it was growing up in the 60/70s and having to listen to rock and/or rock. Mind you, I've nothing against rock and/or roll, but when the '80s brought us New Wave, I knew I had finally found my music.

I used to work for a financial planning company in phone service and was talking to an advisor who lived in a town where we had gone to a jazz festival a couple times.

Me: So, you go the Bix?
Him: Naw, I don't care about music.


I literally dropped the phone - and it was a headset for Pete's sake! Seriously, my head imploded to the point that the headset just slipped right off! Just slipped right off!!

Me: Sorry, sir, my head imploded and you fell to the floor.
Him: No I didn't. I've just been sitting here the whole time.
Me: I meant the headset - I was speaking metaphorically.
Him: I don't really like metaphor.


Luckily I caught myself before anything happened.

Me: What about simile?
Him: Meh.
Me: Irony?
Him: Meh.
Me: What about in Moby-Dick, where Melville employs stylized language, symbolism, and the metaphor to explore numerous complex themes such as the journey of the main characters, the concepts of class and social status, good and evil, and the existence of God?
Him: Meh.

As you can imagine, there was just no way I could help someone like that. I dumped him (metaphorically) on my boss and went for a walk. Some people. Just ain't fittin'.

*Yes, CD player. So freakin' shoot me.
**Some of you may be wondering why I didn't include Pet Shop Boys. They are so omnipresent in my life, they go without saying.

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