UA-30394480-1 Touched in the Grey Matter: Lunette

Friday, May 4, 2012



As soon as I saw the first def of the word, immediately myne mind's eye brought forth Ye Ole Outdoor toilet. No, silly, not like that, like this. But it always seems that Ye Olde Moon in Ye Olde Outhouse Door is more in pictures/cartoons than in real life. So I dug deeper, and found this. Once again, thanks to the interwebs, after years of pondering life's mystery as to why there's always a moon in the outhouse door, I have found the answer. Interestingly, just this morning I've been listening to why languages have sexed nouns which I've also lost sleep over. Two down in one day!! I have to say, though, that English is such an idiosyncratyque* language, thank the gods we didn't have the whole sexed nouns to contend with, too.

I was going to add a paragraph here about renaming the marshmallows in Lucky Charms starting off with Yellow Lunettes, but evidently they've changed a whole whole lot since I was kid and I don't like change. That's why I'm still on AOL dial-up. Amazingly I don't get the busy signal as much as I used to. Hmmmm, another mystery of life I have to look into.

*Yes, I realize this is a rather idiosyncratyque spelling, but I added it to my work  Microsoft dictionary, so it will probably start appearing more often. heh heh heh

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