UA-30394480-1 Touched in the Grey Matter: Rash

Wednesday, April 4, 2012



"Act Rash - Get a Rash!"   Copyright, Briedank Enterprises, LLC, Inc., Corp., ELCA, AFL-CIO

I normally don't copyright anything I write here (please), but when that popped into my head I realized I could make a killing leasing it out to some abstinence-only group.

Picture it: a group of teen guys hanging out in someone’s basement talking about girls and what they do with them when the coolest-looking of them all says "I would never have sex with a girl before marriage! You act rash, you get a rash!" The others nod in a thoughtful, knowing manner. It practically writes itself!*

To me, constantly stressing to teens that they should not have sex until marriage, is like on The Simpsons when Police Chief Wiggum asks Ralphie: "What IS your fascination with my forbidden closet of mysteries?"


My favorite story of rashness, tho, is back when I was working for a Fortune 500 company. They sent out a letter to all their clients with a wrong number on it. While sending out a letter without checking over phone numbers may not be rash (just stupid), the really rash part was them sending out a company-wide email saying that it happened and telling us "Do NOT call the number!" Seriously? Do not call the forbidden phone number of mystery? Well, obviously people did, and it got around quickly that it was for phone sex. OOPS!

*Of course if it's the same girl, he'll get said rash either now or later, but the demographic for which the message is targeted will undoubtedly not put that much thought into it.

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