UA-30394480-1 Touched in the Grey Matter: Nebbish

Wednesday, April 18, 2012



When I first saw the word, I thought (OK fine, I assumed) it was an adjective and said to myneself, "Wow, what a great word to turn into a noun!" Then I found out it already is a noun. Well, screw it, I'm turning it into an adjective! A more complete definition has the adjective as being "nebbishy," which makes sense (I guess), but is just silly. This is a word which should be a part of every wine/food reviewer's repertoire. "I just don't know what's going on at this winery. A few decades ago their product was of the highest quality, if not a bit redundant. However, in the ensuing years, their wine has swung between indecisiveness and just plain disconcertiveness. This year's tedious output is a new low, being nothing more than nebbish with undercurrents of apathy."

OK, so I need to get serious (yea, I know, surprise me, too). A couple days ago it came out that yet another young teenager killed himself because he was bullied so much for being gay. In the off chance that some young gay kid, or anyone who's "different" and gets harassed is reading this, don't be a nebbish!! Stop believing what people tell you. You're not a bad person; no universal deity hates you. You are exactly the way you're supposed to be. To me, the more "different" you are, the more cool you are. I love being different! I love seeing life differently than the mainstream. That's why I write this blog - to celebrate the fact that I am not one of those mainstream types that only listens to top 40 and sees only movies that are playing at the suburban megaplex (no offense to those who do). The further you are away from the mainstream the more interesting you are! If someone says "You're a ____" Even if you don't say it to them loudly, just whisper to yourself, "So?" and shrug a shoulder. Because so what if you are what they say you are? Who gives a shit? They're jealous cuz you're gonna have fun and they're gonna be stuck in some boring life, living in a house the color of Band-Aid. So repeat after me:

"I will not be a nebbsih!"


I will NOT be a NEBBISH!"





Good job.

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