UA-30394480-1 Touched in the Grey Matter: Slimsy

Wednesday, June 20, 2012



I don't very often question what the fine folks at Merriam-Webster say about a word, but today, well, today they said:

"This doesn't have to stop you from using it though; "slimsy" is a blend of "slim" and "flimsy," and its meaning should be pretty much apparent to your audience if you're careful with the context."

Yea, if you wanna sound like yer a walkin' friggin' infomercial!! When I first saw the word in the title of the email I got from the dictionary dudes I cringed. Slimsy...yeech.

"Now you can get out of bed and go grocery shopping without even changing! It's flimsy for your husband and slimming for the public - it's the Slimsy!"*

"Want to lose weight and gain muscle without trying? Try the Slimsy program! So easy, you'll find yourself following it every day without even thinking! And without giving up the food or television you love! Yes, you'll be able to follow this program to the 'S' - for Slimsy!"**

"Are your children not giving you the grandchildren you deserve and have the God-given right to demand? Give them a box of Slimsy condoms! wink! You're the only one who has to know..." 

Oh, by the way, if you do decide to start your own product/infomercial using Slimsy, you'll need to change the name for South Africa.

*I'm just gonna let your imagination figure out what it actually looks like.
**"The Slimsy program is not recommended for people who have been advised to lose weight by their physician. The Slimsy program does not guarantee weight loss or muscle gain. In fact it doesn't guarantee anything."

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