UA-30394480-1 Touched in the Grey Matter: Peripatetic

Thursday, September 13, 2012



"Peripatetic barroom"
Now we just call them "people who don't want to buy
the license to be in the gates of the venue." (And
undoubtedly at the time they were called "the guy
with the donkey and the over-priced hooch.") 
Really? 'Peripatetic'? 'Extravagate' is gone but 'peripatetic' is still going strong? (Or at least as strong as a word like 'peripatetic' can in our modern lexicon.) I hate that word! You know what I think it is? Do you? I think it's peripathetic! HA!!!

Does that make me odd that I love and hate words so much? No? Oh, good. I can sleep tonight.

I think I have an aversion to it because all the consonants are hard. If the word was 'periphathetic' I'd be much more inclined to like it.*

Actually, I'll admit - I can't hear peripatetic without thinking the person doing the roaming is doing so all on fours. Wait, that's not right. Maybe I could buy into this word if we said that, instead of crawling, we described an infant's movements as 'quadripatetic.' And when you hopped, you were 'unipatetic.' But I hate the '-tetic' part at the end. It's ugly. How much cooler is 'quadrivagate' and 'univagate'? Completely, right? I knew you'd agree.

Or perhaps I'll use 'peripatetic' to explain my grey matter.

"Oh, you think Aristotelian about things?"
"No, it just wanders a lot."

Even ask the 'sband. It doesn't happen as much now (thank goodness for modern meds), but we'd be out for dinner and all of a sudden I'd be in a completely different realm thinking about...something. Then I'd blink and be back.

"Go on a little trip?" He'd quoth.
Damn, caught again!!

*"Why I'd have to be on an incline is anyone's guess!"

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