UA-30394480-1 Touched in the Grey Matter: Affront

Thursday, August 9, 2012



Hmmm, I wonder if I affront anyone with this blog. Oh wait, someone would have to read it to be affronted. But what I find interesting is how going out of one's way to affront others has become a daily online occurrence - at least in the U.S. of A. And like many other things, we can thank the interwebs for this. What did people do to feed their drama before the nets? I guess they watched the news and listened to Talk Radio, found out what they were supposed to be pissed off about, and then hung out with people that thought like they did and trashed the enemy.

They say that the internets are good because they're allowing the hard-core introvert to connect with people via the webs. I suppose that's true, but if you were a hater and an introvert before the 'nets you still had to leave your abode to share what you knew to be true with others. Now they don't even need to change out of their grungy low-hanging stretched-out at-one-time tighty whities. They turn on FOX, get the dish, go on-line, and blam! instant troll with an instant audience to bitch at about how wrong everyone is who thinks differently than they do.* But they don't go to or where everyone is like minded. They go to YouTube or Yahoo or any news organization or, hell, even the IMDB. Why would you go on a message board for the new James Bond movie to bitch about an old James Bond movie?

So...I have a goal for myself and this here li'l blog o' myne.

In the 1979 movie The Rose Bette Midler's character is at a club with friends and she gets all excited because a drag queen is doing her onstage** (about the only thing I remember from the movie). To her, this is proof that she made it - when a drag queen lip syncs to a female singer, that singer knows she's made it. So the goal I have set for myself is to get a troll to say how much he hates me and my stupid blog. I'm not even funny! Why don't I get a life? (Lookit me, I'm so excited about the possibility of getting my own troll that I'm feeding him lines and he's not even here yet!)

Oooooh...I'm soooo excited I'm clapping with clenched hands!

*Which of course is idiocy, cuz everyone knows everyone's wrong who thinks differently than I do. (please)
**I meant imitating her, you trashy minded person.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Brian - I'm thoroughly enjoying your blog! Since I'm back from vacation I'm cleaning out my work email and noticed the M-W word of the day for June 24 was "borborygmus", meaning "intestinal rumbling caused by moving gas". I immediately came back to your blog to see what you wrote that day and was quite disappointed to see nothing on borborygmus. What a gem of a day that could have been!! Oh well. I will keep reading anyway.

    -Your neighbor across the street. (Loved the drag queen entry by the way.)
