Well, happy 4th of July and all that rot!* If you watched "Hell's Kitchen" last night you saw some early pyrotechnics. Who knew that two white gals would end up sounding like black women and/or drag queens? I mean, it was sort of funny, but at the same time, what's it saying that when two white women start fighting they go into black woman/drag queen mode?
Anyway, sorry about this, but I'm taking today off from writing a 'real' entry. I realize it's not a holiday for the rest of the world, but it's gonna be 101 here with humidity like a rain forest, and I have a marathon to run this afternoon, so I need to get caffeined up. Luckily the 'Sband will be on his bike riding along with me with his trusty thermos of coffee, so whenever I need a drink I won't have to stop. Just keep runnin', just keep energizin'!
I think the best thing about this heat we've been having is that since I'm a major sweater, I save time by skipping my morning bathing time. What's the use? By noon I'm a swampy mess. I suppose after three days of not bathing I may be getting a bit ripe, but I figure I'll take a long cool one after the run.**
*And for myne reader in Canada, happy Boxing Day! (I would assume...if I actually had a reader in Canada.)
**And then I'll take a shower. HA!!
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