If you clicked on the link to the def' you'll see that it took you to the general Word of the Day page instead of the specific page for the word. That's because, for reasons unbeknownst to me, I did not get the WoD email yesterday. Yes, I have been fettered. Me of all people. Fettered. I ask for so little in life, and this happens. I think they're trying to fetter my creative streak. It reminds me of when I was in grade school...
"No, Jackson, you have to color like all the other kids! The last time you melted down the crayons, you just poured them on the paper! It was a mess!"
And then in high school...
"Edward, I don't care what you 'feel' like, this is typing class! You will use capital letters when needed! You're just being lazy! 'Feel' indeed!"
And now there's me. I just hope that, unlike Jackson and Edward, I can continue. I should look those two up and see what they're up to. It's good to know that, no matter what forces are against me - slow internet connection, Merriam Webster not sending the word, Creeping Charlie, flat tires on the train, Communists, my mom and the pope, jellyfish, ramen noodles, verbose authors, athlete's foot, weak coffee, out-of-tune clarinets, in-tune clarinets, the sight of clarinets, the cancellation of Supertrain, the renewal of Two and a Half Men, lack of ideas, bad spelling, the rubber band breaking, the rubber band braking, Olestra, the wheat not growing, Huguenots, six point font, Billy Ray Cyrus, houses the color of Band-Aids, the end of Beta Max, not understanding how vitamins work - well, you get the picture - as long as I can type, I will be writing this column! Oh, and have internet access.
Is this an all-clarinet issue? I mean... What about a Bass clarinet or an Alto clarinet? And does it carry over to a problem with Soprano saxophones?