Our modern society has stuff to facilitate anything. And thanks to our never-ending supply of refined oil products, we have two, count 'em two, cookie dunkers. We have this first one which is only for Hydrox.* I find this rather useless because it's only good for one type of cookie. Who wants to eat just Hydrox for the rest of your life? And I'll admit, I've never understood the whole dunking the sandwich cookie - it's not like they actually absorb the milk.
The second is for all cookies. It's more useful because it is for all cookies, but why do they need that smiley face enclosure part? As a mother of three kids, let me say that that just makes it all the more difficult to clean!** The best thing about this dunker is that under Contact, their email address is 'dunkyourcookie@aol.com.' Wow, so many levels.
But, the cookie dunkers are probably the most useful thing to come our way since Write 1.4 as compared to this. (I can't make this crap up!)
*I like this brand more than that other one - it's the underdog and the name is totally cool.
**That's what I'd say if I actually was the mother of three kids. I'm thinking if we ever move out to the country, I'm gonna get a couple goats so I can reply "Why thanks for asking, the 'Sband and I do have a coupla kids. They live in the barn out back, but don't worry, we spend time with them."
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