When I was in high school, there was a class - it must have been English
related somehow, but I can't remember, because it was, uh, 20 years ago - yea,
that's it, 20 years ago...where we had a section on the history of the
Theah-tuh. (As in "I don't DO movies, I am of the Thea-tuh!!") It
was a great section and I loved learning about the Greeks and Romans and all
that - in fact, since then, thanks to the history of popular culture, I
actually care about history!! Hated it in school! But the really odd part was
that we learned the parts of the ear - as in biology. My entire schooling
career I avoided all the math and science I could, and then I suddenly get it in
a theatre class. What the what??? At the time, of course, I (or anyone else)
never thought to question it, but, while I can't remember anything about the biological
make-up of the ear, I can certainly remember the befuddlement of having to
learn it. Oh yea, and I remember doing poorly on the test for it. But when it
comes to the ear, probably the most important thing I've learned in my life is
that you should never EVER stick a hat pin in your ear even if you have an itch
way down deep inside there. Just don't do it!
But anyway, this won’t be a surprise to my long-term reader, but I love that
tragus (another word not in the Firefox dictionary - see how they are) comes
from he-goat and also gave us 'tragedy.' Who woulda guessed that one? Language
is so bizarre.
So what the hell is the Tragus?