So I don't think gregarious means what most people think it does. I always hear it being used for people who are extroverted and extra friendly - according to this def, you don't have to be friendly at all - just hang out with members of your own type. I guess that means that gun-toting Fox-news-watchin' radical right-wingers who hate everyone except each other are gregarious -- oh my, that does put a different spin on things.
So a group of fish is a 'school.' A group of crows is a 'murder.' Would gun-toting Fox-news-watchin' radical right-wingers just be a 'hater' of said people, or something more specific? A 'paranoid' of said group? A 'brainwash'? A 'gullible'?
OK, nuff of that. What I really wanted to talk about was the whole murder of crows thing. I see that for ravens it's a 'congress' or an 'unkindness'. Unfortunately, despite that fact that I have the best reader in the world, I don't think we'll be able to change it, but I feel it should be a 'nevermore' of ravens. It would be a great homage to Edgar Allan Poe - one of the greatest authors what ever lived (thank you very much) - and a slam to the hater who wrote Mr. Poe's obituary in the NY Times and is now completely forgotten about except for being a hater of said author.
Speaking of EA Poe, did you see that new movie starring said author is coming out this spring? I try to keep an open mind with most movies,* but somehow I just don't think the EAP of said movie is going to be the haunted spirit that conjured up the poems and stories we love so much. Plus, I am so over the whole choral music playing behind trailers. As soon as I hear a record scratch** or a chorus singing during a trailer, my pessimism is squared. I mean, come on, freakin' Arby's is using a chorus for its value menu commercials (sorry, I can't find a link). I hope it's going to be good - I want it to be good. All those movies that "star" HG Welles and Jules Verne, about time Mr. Poe gets a starring role.
*Although I've complete given up on Geo. Lucas and Jimmy Cameron...yeech...
**The Other Half is upstairs right now wondering what I'm laughing at so much - priceless!!
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