UA-30394480-1 Touched in the Grey Matter: Hebdomadal

Monday, March 26, 2012



I love how this is described as "rare and curious." Really? Those are the words that come to mind? Personally, I think of superfluous and redundant. I once heard it said that the only people who use semi-colons are those who want to show off that they know how to use them. Words like hebdomadal fall into the same group. On the other hand I find a semi-colon to be rather useful at times, so there's that one.

So the Loved One and I watched Julie & Julia last night (we borrowed it from friends - if we had waited for it to come to the top of our Netflix queue, we'd've waited another two years) and it really got me thinking about following through on stuff. I hate to say it, but I never follow up on stuff. I hate that about me. Obviously I'm not the only one, and it makes me wonder how much more cool stuff would exist in the world if everyone who started something actually finished it. I'd probably have my great American gay novel written by now. Probably not, actually, because the first novel I tried to write I got to around page 60 and realized it was terrible - the main character was not sympathetic at all; he was all my bad points from my early twenties with none of the good points - very dark character indeed.

Unfortunately my biggest problem is that I do everything trying to please others instead of myself. Really? How many people is this blog gonna satisfy? There must be thousands of blogs out there - how many of them actually get any real traffic? Fuck it. I get an average of four hits a day. I'm writing this for myself from now on; so few people actually "get" my sense of humour that even if it was suddenly some weird meme, it would last about a week before people turned away confused and befuddled. The Loved One and I have been together for coming up on 13 years since our first date and he still sometimes just smiles and nods at my humour. And why do I like to put a U in homour? No reason, I like it.

And why is National Book Writing Month November? The month with Thanksgiving where we're all getting ready for Xmas (except for those of us who aren't)? Why isn't it in Jan or Fed? Screw it. I’m not waiting for November. I need to start now.

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