UA-30394480-1 Touched in the Grey Matter: Elan

Monday, March 19, 2012



So I was thinking I was going to start out saying how everybody should be élan about something in their life, but I usually reserve that for geekdomness. But then I realized that perhaps geeking something is a step beyond elanning it. The woman who sits behind me at work loves romance novels that involve time travel. She also listens to boybands with elan. I asked her if she geeked them or just enjoyed them for the irony: "I genuinely like boybands; I mock romance novels. Does that make sense?" Ya darn tootin' it does! As the kids say nowadays - I'm down with that!

So élan vs. geeking. It's sort of like that fine line betwixt irony and sarcasm. People sometimes say I'm sarcastic. However, I most definitely am not - there's no art to being sarcastic. If I was gonna be sarcastic I'd go all the way to being sardonic. No, I am ironic.

With just a twist of sauciness.

Remember, though, the line betwixt élan and obsession is neither narrow nor fine. Stalking, for example, is not going after someone with élan - it's a crime! Get the psychological help, you need it! Élan good – stalking bad!!!! Unless it's Jamie Bell, then it's understandable.

No wait, no!! Not even Jamie Bell! Bad stalker, bad!*

Thanks, to the interwebs, there is room at the table for all élans! Even if it is totally creepy. After spending a bit of time on The Island** suddenly my élan for Gus Visser*** and his duck isn't so strange, is it????

*But, hmmmmmmmmmmm, Janie Bell...
**Don’t you love words with silent esses? I know I do!!
***I wonder if that’s any relation to the Visser I know?

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